Manifestation: What Is It and How to Manifest Your Wants

A woman in silhouette stands on a hill facing the rising sun

It can be a struggle to achieve our goals. Developing an action plan and getting up the motivation isn’t easy. And when we can’t make our goals happen, we tend to get discouraged and give up. The reason it’s so hard to make things happen is because we’re asking for things we’re not equipped to receive. It’s like having the goal of collecting water, but not having a bucket when it rains.

Many people want more money. In fact, it’s perhaps the most common goal everyone has. They set up action plans and work to make it happen. These actions are all controlled by the solar plexus chakra, the manipura. The manipura is the chakra that controls willpower and your ability to execute your plans. If this chakra is misaligned, then it doesn’t matter how good the planning is, you won’t be able to execute it and reach your goals.

How then can we manifest? How is it that we can manifest money, for example?

Manifestation is projecting our desires into the universe and having the universe answer. Because we are connected to the universe, we can use that power. Science has a different answer. Studies show that when we manifest, we are actually rewiring our brain via neuroplasticity. In doing so, we train ourselves to be less distracted and to take advantage of opportunities we hadn’t previously noticed. Science here is just recognizing the ancient wisdom of the Vedas that we have had available to us for thousands of years.

How To Align Chakras

To manifest what we want, we must first ensure that the corresponding chakra is aligned. If it isn’t, then the energy put into your manifestation will not be enough. Sometimes there is more than one chakra that we need to make sure is properly aligned.

In the case of manifesting money, for example, the manipura, our solar plexus chakra, has to be aligned. Have you had a lot of overwhelming events in your life recently? If so, and you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, it will take some time for these events to be digested. Trying to manifest money in such circumstances will not be successful, or not as successful as you had hoped.

Other things to consider have to do with actual digestion. Is your stomach frequently upset? Do you suffer from indigestion? These are signs of an imbalance. If you lack energy or are irritable, these are other signs that your solar plexus chakra needs some attention.

There are some yoga poses and meditation routines you can use to come into alignment. The cobra pose and bow pose, among others, help the solar plexus return to balance. To perform the cobra pose, start by placing your palms on the ground, shoulder-width apart, with your elbows tucked in at your sides. Inhale as you lift your chest off the floor, keeping your solar plexus pressed against the ground. Maintain a forward gaze that is slightly downward. Exhale and lower yourself back to the floor.

For a meditation, try this: Sit in the lotus position. With your hands at waist level in front of you, bring your fingertips together while keeping a small space between your palms. Your thumbs should point toward your solar plexus, and your fingertips should point outward. This hand position serves as an energy conduit, drawing the imbalance out of your midsection and directing it away from yourself. Begin to meditate, envisioning a cleansing fire that burns away the imbalance. This fire symbolizes your inner willpower and stamina. Harness your body’s natural flame to clear the imbalance and restore yourself to alignment.

How to Manifest

Once your manipura is aligned, you can then work to manifest your desires. Returning to science, studies show that just manifesting from greed will not make us happy. To be happy, we will need to be completely in balance: our health, our relationships, our business enterprises, our wealth, and our spirituality.

When you have good health, strong relationships, and a solid spiritual life, you might find that money becomes less important. That’s because everything is about balance: all these areas need to grow and thrive together. If your health is poor, you’ll likely spend money on medical care. If you’re in a troubled relationship, you might need to spend money on divorce lawyers. To manifest effectively, ensure that you maintain balance across all these aspects of your life.

Meditate upon that which you seek to manifest. Set your intention, and be specific. Do not set an intention to “get a lot of money.” Set a specific intention: “by the end of 2026, I will be earning $250,000 annually in profit from my business.” The more focused and specific your intention, the more likely it becomes to manifest. Meditate on this for 10 minutes a day. The power of manifesting money in this case lies in saying your specific intention daily. According to science, when we practice saying our intentions daily, we reset our neural pathways and retrain our brain.

Of course, you also need to take action. When you meditate on what you want, that intention will make opportunities arise. You will still need to work hard and make the most of that opportunity. When you do this, you are honoring your intention. You are harvesting the fruit of your manifestation!

Be Thankful

When you have manifested your desire, be joyous, kind and compassionate. Help others to find the same success that you have now seen. With a rise in one level of your life, you will need to find balance—in this case raising the other areas of your life. If you don’t find balance, you risk going out of alignment again, and losing all your hard work. Manifestation is one of the most powerful tools that we have to achieve our goals. It is not a toy to be played with, but a powerful mechanism. Treat it as such, and respect it.

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